When Does Discipline Go Too Far?
A mother, who was caught on video dragging her child around on a leash, defends her actions; a woman fears her husband’s military-style discipline may be harming their 9-year-old son.
A mother, who was caught on video dragging her child around on a leash, defends her actions; a woman fears her husband’s military-style discipline may be harming their 9-year-old son.
When parents are on edge and fighting with each other, children are often casualties of their hostility.
Don Daughtry teaches his young students to reach for a brighter future as he leads a drum and dance corps called The Marching Cobras in Kansas City, Mo.
Mike visits the be all, end all, first responder’s training ground, Disaster City; Mike, despite having a bad ankle sprain, runs the course with rescue veteran Billy Parker