
Spitting Mad

Spitting Mad

A suspect evades in the midst of questioning. A man volunteers evidence to officers. An officer responds to a convoluted assault call. Officers coax an emotionally distressed man from harming himself.

Quite a Ride

Quite a Ride

The driver of a stolen vehicle tries to evade officers. A suspect takes the hit for a myriad of evidence. A man’s ruse backfires after his girlfriend reveals his identity. Officers bust a burglar.

Grandma Standoff

Grandma Standoff

Officers are forced to disarm an emotionally distressed suspect. A DUI suspect is busted red handed. A license plate pull over results in a narcotics arrest. Officers respond to a bicycle accident.

Ejected and Rejected

Ejected and Rejected

An attempted car towing turns into a standoff with authorities. The occupants of a pot pungent car quickly implicate themselves. Officers investigate alleged gunplay. A jealous boyfriend is arrested.

Tearing Up the Trailer Park

Tearing Up the Trailer Park

A driver is stopped for a traffic violation. Cash and drugs are found in a man’s car. A woman is threatened with scissors. A vehicle is stopped for numerous violations and is deemed unsafe to drive.

Jay Walking Drugstore

Jay Walking Drugstore

A pursuit ensues when a driver refuses to pull over. A girl is stopped for jaywalking. A man is arrested for making felony threats. A distraught woman claims that her husband threatened her.

Take the Cake

Take the Cake

Officers join in the pursuit of a suspect. A car is stopped on a restricted off-road trail. A man is arrested after officers learn he has two warrants. Officers investigate after a cake is stolen.

Jungle Run

Jungle Run

A suspect tries to flee on foot. A woman flees after causing a traffic collision. A man is arrested on suspicion of vehicle theft and grand larceny. Drugs are discovered in an abandoned vehicle.