World’s Most Difficult Spectator Sport
Rodney and Jann witness a grueling spectator sport in Grayling, Michigan. It’s a marathon involving canoeing and running for 14 straight hours, 120 miles. A true test of human endurance.
Rodney and Jann witness a grueling spectator sport in Grayling, Michigan. It’s a marathon involving canoeing and running for 14 straight hours, 120 miles. A true test of human endurance.
Dr. Phil highlights Merit TV’s hurricane relief efforts, honors unsung heroes, and delivers heartwarming surprise reunions in a special episode of hope and resilience.
Dr. Phil takes to the skies on critical airlift missions in hurricane ravaged North Carolina.
Dr. Phil travels to North Carolina in the aftermath of devastating Hurricane Helene, delivering much needed supplies to families as they navigate the challenges of rebuilding their lives.
Award winning journalist Dominique Sachse and co-host Fanchon Stinger lead a team dedicated to making Morning on Merit Street a rewarding daily visit.
Mike learns why Thomas Coyne is driven to teach people life saving skills in the scorching desert of California.
Mike visits the be all, end all, first responder’s training ground, Disaster City; Mike, despite having a bad ankle sprain, runs the course with rescue veteran Billy Parker