Mike Rowe

Marching Cobras

Marching Cobras

Don Daughtry teaches his young students to reach for a brighter future as he leads a drum and dance corps called The Marching Cobras in Kansas City, Mo.



Mike learns why Thomas Coyne is driven to teach people life saving skills in the scorching desert of California.

Mutter Museum

Mutter Museum

Mike explores the ultimate collection of medical artifacts and meets the curator of deadly disease.

La Reve

La Reve

Mike is in Las Vegas to meet the Dale Hurt of the Le Reve diving show, and he learns, up close, the danger of their death-defying feats; Mike then meets Leila Cohoon of the only hair museum in the world in Independence, Mo.

Whooping Cranes

Whooping Cranes

Mike flies off to the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland, where Dr. John French and his team work to repopulate cranes