“Bigorexia” Pushed On Social Media
Dr. Phil speaks with young men wanting to be muscle influencers but using performance enhancement drugs who say they are suffering from “bigorexia” or muscle dysmorphia. Is social media to blame?
Dr. Phil speaks with young men wanting to be muscle influencers but using performance enhancement drugs who say they are suffering from “bigorexia” or muscle dysmorphia. Is social media to blame?
The doctor tries to help a compulsive exerciser and an anorexic woman.
The doctor speaks to teens who are engaging in risky behavior such as smoking salvia and playing the choking game.
A suspect evades in the midst of questioning. A man volunteers evidence to officers. An officer responds to a convoluted assault call. Officers coax an emotionally distressed man from harming himself.
To avoid self-harm, an intoxicated man is handcuffed to a booking bench. After fighting at a bar, a combative prisoner is arrested. Also, an unmarried couple squabbles during the booking process.
Officers fear a man may attempt to hang himself and decide to intervene. A heavily injured man ends up in jail after taking cocaine and acid. Irascibility shadows a man with low blood sugar.